
Since 2005, PotterCast is the official podcast of Harry Potter fansite The Leaky Cauldron.


15.3: Yanni vs Laurel, the Social Distancing Edition

March 20, 2020

We are isolating together for this freewheeling hour of silliness where we take your Harry Potter questions and have some fun.

ALSO, SOME NEWS: Now there are TWO Patreons: One for just PotterCast, one for Roll 9 3/4 and all the other Mischief Media shows. BOTH get you access to our discord, where there are Harry Potter, gaming, television, movies. cooking, crafting, and a ton of other amazing conversations happening. PLUS lots of amazing bonus content updated weekly.

PotterCast’s Patreon
Mischief Media Patreon

Also visit Mischief Merch!  We have so much cool swag there.

Also, there is a LOT of content to entertain you on your quarantine on the Mischief twitch channel — and there will be PotterCast streaming there soon. Watch the hashtag #MischiefFromHome for more!

Limited Edition

After All This Time?

PotterCast has been in the podcasting game since 2005, and there's no sign of them stopping. Show off your fandom with this exclusive collectible PotterCast shirt, designed by Frankie Franco, III

Shop Mischief Merch