
#273: The Dumbledore’s Army Panel from LeakyCon 2017!

PotterCast 273 is the first of our episodes from LeakyCon Dublin! And this time we have Evanna Lynch (Luna Lovegood), Katie Leung (Cho Chang), Alfie Enoch (Dean Thomas), and Afshan Azad (Padma Patil), here to tell us all about life as the Harry Potter films’ Dumbledore’s Army. Great stories from their time filming – a must-listen!

#272: Misunderstood Snakes (B1Ch3-4)

PotterCast is back and is continuing on with the chapter by chapter of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone – this week covering chapters 3 and 4. We also have some exciting announcements for the upcoming Harry Potter convention, LeakyCon!

#271: The Boy Who Lived (B1Ch1)

On the 20th anniversary of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, PotterCast begins its magical chapter-by-chapter podcasting adventure through J.K. Rowling’s Wizarding World!


Episode 271 — The Boy Who Lived

Harry Potter and the Sorceror’s/Philosopher’s Stone chapters:

1. The Boy Who Lived

2. The Vanishing Glass

PotterCast is hosted by Melissa Anelli, John Noe, Frankie Franco, and Zack Luye.

Find the latest episode and explore Pottercast interviews, discussions and more at

Visit for the latest and greatest from Harry Potter’s Wizarding World.

#270: The Young Dumbledore

We have a new Dumbledore!


Episode 270 — The Young Dumbledore

Pottercast is hosted by Melissa Anelli, John Noe, Frankie Franco, and Zack Luye.

Find the latest episode and explore Pottercast interviews, discussions and more at

Visit for the latest and greatest from Harry Potter’s Wizarding World.